The statistics discussed in the national commentary refer to experiences which occurred in the 12 months prior to interview (conducted between July 2023 and June 2024), referred to as the 2023-24 reference period.
All statistics referred to throughout the commentary are available from the data downloads. Figures marked with an asterisk (*) have a relative standard error of between 25% and 50% and should be used with caution.
Any differences between population groups or survey periods mentioned in the commentary are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Statistically significant changes in victimisation rates between 2013-14 (10-year time point) and 2023-24, and between 2022-23 (previous survey period) and 2023-24 are noted in the commentary, as well as statistically significant changes in police reporting rates between 2022-23 and 2023-24. Time series data is available from 2008-09 onwards in the data tables.
For more information about statistical significance and relative standard error, refer to the Crime Victimisation Methodology, 2023-24 financial year.